As we know, within Social Media Platforms, Facebook has created a huge impression & popularity to the online visitors. Facebook has top active users in the year 2018. More than 1 billion active users use Facebook per day. More than 20% of the worlds population use Facebook. Professional SEO Company in India utilizes this platformto provide best SEO Services in India.
Some most useful features & popular tips
to utilize it properly.
- Facebook language change:
If you are bored to see the same language for a long time, you can change it to English (Pirate) or English (upside down). For this, Go to setting of Facebook & change language as per your choice.
- Choosing Viewers Online:
You have an option to show that you are now online or not? You can set this going to advance chat setting & then tick the preferred Radio button.
- Photos liked by anyone:
If you have an interest to find out the liked Photos of someone, you can search from Facebook like below.
- Facebook Schedule Setting:
It is a very good option for maintaining an effective posting schedule.
Go to pages timeline then go to aDrop down button next to Publish button as shown in the below image. Select schedule option then fill up date & time as per your choice. Then click Schedule. It is widely used by SEO Companies in India
For More Info, Click here.
- Facebook Videos Download:
As we know that the videos has taken a great role in digital marketing. So if you find any useful videos from Facebook, you can download the same using this technique. Use this link, to download any videos from Facebook. - How to find, who visits your Profile frequently:To find out people who are visiting your profile frequently, go to your Facebook profile page. Then click friends button, where you can see all separately Recently Added friends, friends from Current city.
- People who likes your Page:
If you like to see who liked your page, you can find it out easily.Go to your page, then go to setting then click People & Other Pages option from left side panel. It will show you the list of people liked your page with dates they liked. - Facebook login Alert:
This part is very essential for your Facebook a/c. security purpose.
First go to setting Icon after opening Facebook then click Security & Login setting. We will get as per below Image, there is an option Get Alert about Unrecognized Logins and set as per your choice to get alert from having Mail, Messenger or Email. After selecting save all your setting.
9. Relationship History:
Facebook always keeps a relationship history with your family. To know you can type, It will show all about your Family & Relations on Facebook.
10. Money Transfer on Facebook:
With other services, you can use Facebook for sending money between members. We can use Facebook Messenger App to pay & receive money. Using Debit Cards from both sides of the
transactions. It is free to pay & receive money.
- How to find E-mail addresses of our Friends:
Here is a trick to find out Facebook E-mail addresses of your friends any time. First to login to yahoo mail a/c. then to go Contact button. From drop down menu of Actions button, select Import action to import emails from Facebook as per your Choice.
- Send bulk Messages in one shot:
If you want to send bulk messages to your friends in one shot, do this trick.
Go to Google Chrome extension & download Facebook Social Toolkit. With the help of this you can send bulk messages to your friends & family.
Hope these Tips to use Facebook will be helpful to you. For more Effective Tips to use Facebook is here.